Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Buying A Cruising Yacht

The Yacht
The Yacht

Everyone out there likes the idea of a shiny new boat.  While buying a new yacht is an yacht, always look at what comes with the boat and decide if it's everything you want.
accomplishment in itself, you shouldn't spend over your budget then be unable to take it anywhere. When you buy a

Types of construction

GRP Yacht
GRP Yacht
Almost all cruising yachts out there today are made of GRP construction.  GRP material is long lasting, strong, and easy to repair.  Osmosis is the only real problem here, as the blisters it leaves can be sometimes costly to repair.

Steel Yacht
Steel Yacht
Steel is always a great a idea, as it is by far the strongest material. There have been steel boats ran into reefs and banks and received just a few mere scratches.  Even though steel has many advantages,
rust is the true enemy here.  You must keep all surfaces thoroughly painted, primed, and ready to
avoid all types of rust.

Aluminium Yacht
Aluminium Yacht
Although rare in the normal cruising market, aluminium is very popular with the construction of
top quality custom built yachts.  If you are looking for an aluminium constructed yacht, always make sure that it wasn't constructed by an amateur yacht builder - as this can cause major problems later on
down the road.

Wood Yacht
Wood Yacht
Even though it's the most traditional building material, wood still has a lot to offer.  If you get
the right kind of wood, it can last just as long as any other type of material.  The maintenance costs
are very high with wood, especially if you do your own painting.

Ferro-Cement Yacht
Ferro-Cement Yacht

Concrete type boats have been around for a long time.  A cheap method of hull construction, it was
very popular in the 70's.  If done properly, it can be a very strong method of yacht construction.

Rigs Yacht
Rigs Yacht
The most popular choices of yacht rigs include sloop, cutter, and ketch - in that particular order. Sloop has the virtue of simplicity, while ketch and cutter rigs will split the sail plan into more easily
Rigs Yacht
Rigs Yacht
managed areas.  A ketch rig can sail under mizzen and head sail alone, while cutter rigs can offer a simple twin head sail with downwind option.

Essentials versus desirables
Before you begin looking for a yacht, make a list of what you must have then make a list of what would be nice to have.  There are many additions and add-ons you can get for yachts, although they can get very expensive in a hurry.

When you shop for a yacht, always plan out your budget before you even start looking.  A nice yacht
can cost a lot of money, which is something you may need to save up for.  Yachts are great to sail
on, especially for those who have a lot of money to spare.

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