Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Buying A Cruising Yacht

The Yacht
The Yacht

Everyone out there likes the idea of a shiny new boat.  While buying a new yacht is an yacht, always look at what comes with the boat and decide if it's everything you want.
accomplishment in itself, you shouldn't spend over your budget then be unable to take it anywhere. When you buy a

Types of construction

GRP Yacht
GRP Yacht
Almost all cruising yachts out there today are made of GRP construction.  GRP material is long lasting, strong, and easy to repair.  Osmosis is the only real problem here, as the blisters it leaves can be sometimes costly to repair.

Steel Yacht
Steel Yacht
Steel is always a great a idea, as it is by far the strongest material. There have been steel boats ran into reefs and banks and received just a few mere scratches.  Even though steel has many advantages,
rust is the true enemy here.  You must keep all surfaces thoroughly painted, primed, and ready to
avoid all types of rust.

Aluminium Yacht
Aluminium Yacht
Although rare in the normal cruising market, aluminium is very popular with the construction of
top quality custom built yachts.  If you are looking for an aluminium constructed yacht, always make sure that it wasn't constructed by an amateur yacht builder - as this can cause major problems later on
down the road.

Wood Yacht
Wood Yacht
Even though it's the most traditional building material, wood still has a lot to offer.  If you get
the right kind of wood, it can last just as long as any other type of material.  The maintenance costs
are very high with wood, especially if you do your own painting.

Ferro-Cement Yacht
Ferro-Cement Yacht

Concrete type boats have been around for a long time.  A cheap method of hull construction, it was
very popular in the 70's.  If done properly, it can be a very strong method of yacht construction.

Rigs Yacht
Rigs Yacht
The most popular choices of yacht rigs include sloop, cutter, and ketch - in that particular order. Sloop has the virtue of simplicity, while ketch and cutter rigs will split the sail plan into more easily
Rigs Yacht
Rigs Yacht
managed areas.  A ketch rig can sail under mizzen and head sail alone, while cutter rigs can offer a simple twin head sail with downwind option.

Essentials versus desirables
Before you begin looking for a yacht, make a list of what you must have then make a list of what would be nice to have.  There are many additions and add-ons you can get for yachts, although they can get very expensive in a hurry.

When you shop for a yacht, always plan out your budget before you even start looking.  A nice yacht
can cost a lot of money, which is something you may need to save up for.  Yachts are great to sail
on, especially for those who have a lot of money to spare.

Sunday, 17 January 2016

About Diamond Weights

Diamonds are measured in Carat Weight. One carat weighs 200 milligrams. If a diamond is referred to as four grains, this also means that it is a one carat diamond. The word Carat comes from the word carob. A carob is a bean that grows on a tree in the Mediterranean. In times past, if a diamond weighed the same as a carob bean, it was one carob, or one carat.

However, in the far east, where Carob trees do not grow, rice was used to measure the weight of a diamond. If a diamond weighed as much as four grains of rice, it was four grains – or one carat as we know it to be now. The majority of diamond purchases are for diamonds that are 1/3 of a carat.

Beware when shopping for diamonds that are already set or mounted. If more than one diamond is used in the piece, the tag on the jewellery will give the CTW or Carat Total Weight – it does not tell you the carat weight of each stone in the piece. You need to ask the jeweller for the total carat weight of the largest diamond in the piece to truly understand what you are buying.

Sunday, 10 January 2016

Unique Faberge Eggs

Unique Faberge Eggs
Unique Faberge Eggs
Faberge Eggs have always been special to me.  I’ve been searching them out at art auctions since I was in my early twenties.  I did a term paper on the Faberge Company and their history of making eggs for the Russian Tsars between 1885 and 1917.

The first Faberge Egg that I ever found at an art auction was actually quite by chance.  The Faberge Egg was not one of the advertised items and was actually a bottle topper.  I instantly fell in love with it and took it home from the art auction for one hundred dollars.

I saw an advertisement for a tropical Faberge Egg from a collection St. Petersburg.  It was set to be up for sale at an art auction in New York City.  I knew that I was going to be unable to purchase it, but I wanted to see it in person and at least put in one of the lower bids.

The tropical Faberge Egg at that art auction in New York City ended up selling for over six thousand dollars.  That is out of my price range, but I was happy just to have been in the same room with this masterpiece.  The eggs themselves are just exciting to be near.

Faberge Egg
Faberge Egg
The first Faberge Egg was made in 1885.  I know that it will never turn up in an art auction, but hopefully I will see it someday in an exhibit.  The first one was commissioned by Tsar Alexander III and was given to his wife as an Easter present.  The surprise inside the egg was a golden hen in a golden yolk.  The hen was wearing a tiny crown with a ruby hanging inside.

The antique Russian Faberge Egg that I found at an art auction recently was so detailed.  The silver enamel egg has rubies and eagles and is marked with Faberge hallmarks.  I was able to win this egg because I was bidding with someone else’s money.  The best eggs always end up with the richest people.

The piece that I want in my collection is a genuine Lillies of the Valley Faberge Egg.  I found one at an art auction I went to ten years ago.  I was unable to buy the one I saw, because I didn’t have the money at the time.  I’ve been saving for the time that I see another one.

Faberge Egg
Faberge Egg
The Lillies of the Valley Faberge Egg is covered with pearls and pale pink enamel.  The egg is on a stand that has legs of matte green-gold leaves with rose dewdrops. The gold-stemmed lilies of the valley have green enamelled leaves and pearl flowers. I will look for this egg at every art auction I ever attend.

This Faberge Egg is delightful.  It is surmounted by an Imperial crown of rose crystals.  There is a pearl knob that reveals the surprise of this egg.  The surprise is portrait miniatures of Czar Nicholas II and his two oldest daughters.  The portraits are framed in rose crystals and backed with gold panels.  I have heard a rumor that one will be at an art auction next year in Miami.

Faberge Egg
Faberge Egg
The last art auction I attended I purchased a Faberge Egg called the Imperial Clover Egg.  It was for my personal collection and I won it for under a thousand dollars.  I felt like it was quite a steal at that price.

The Imperial Clover Faberge Egg was originally made with a four leaf clover inside of it that had portraits of the four daughters of Nicholas and Alexandra.  The portraits went missing during the Russian Revolution.  The egg that I bought at the art auction had a stem of clovers standing upright. Two clovers in green enamel and the third, a four leaf clover, was done in diamonds.  The diamond four leaf clover is a pin that can be worn.

Saturday, 9 January 2016

Luxury Goods - Lykan Hypersport

$3,4m Lykan Hypersport on the road!

Luxury Goods

Luxury Yacht
Luxury Yacht
Luxury Car
Well-known site Wikipedia says that “a luxury good is a good for which demand increases more than proportionally as income rises, and is a contrast to a "necessity good", for which demand increases proportionally less than income. Luxury goods are often synonymous with superior goods and veblen goods”.

People love to have luxury goods which always bring with high quality, great performance, amazing looks and, usually, cost enormous amount of money.

Yachts, holiday destinations, hotels, watches, perfumes, cars, homes, Villas, wine, just name it; all of them have sign of luxuries.

We will give you in this blog as much as possible information about all selection of luxuries, advice where to buy particular things or just to show you some funny stuff, you will definitely like.

Please stay with us.

“Luxury Goods” Team